PPA Hertz National Championship 2023
Anna Leigh Waters & Catherine Parenteau def. Lea Jansen & Jackie Kawamoto
(2-11, 11-6, 11-3, 11-6)

Watch the replay

1. Match Summary

Rally Lengths

Total Rallies: 152 (11 shots per rally)

  • Lea Jansen & Jackie Kawamoto won 71 rallies (46.7%)

  • Anna Leigh Waters & Catherine Parenteau won 81 rallies (53.3%)

Player Impact

Net Player Impact = Unreturned Shots + Assists - Errors + Other Impact
• Unreturned: A shot that was not returned; includes winners; opponent may or may not have made an error.
• Assist: A shot which set partner up to hit an Unreturned ball on the next shot.
• Error: A shot where a player had a reasonable chance of keeping the ball in play; includes unforced errors.
• Other Impact: Captures the impact of non-ending shots in the rally. Points are spread proportionally across the team that wins/loses a rally based on how many balls each player hit.

Shot Heatmap

Click each dot to watch the video replay

Shot Type Frequencies

2. Third Shot Breakdown

~97.4% of rallies contained a third shot

Third Shot Count by Type, Player

Third Shot Performance

Third Shots Visualized

Click each dot to watch the video replay

3. Kitchen Rally Breakdown

~26.3% of rallies contained sustained dinking

Dink Performance

Dinks Visualized

Click each dot to watch the video replay

Dink Direction

Speedup Performance

Speedups Visualized

Click each dot to watch the video replay

##    player_id           player_nm cnt
## 1:        P5          Lea Jansen 358
## 2:        P3   Anna Leigh Waters 325
## 3:        P2 Catherine Parenteau 494
## 4:       P95     Jackie Kawamoto 475
##    match_id game_id game_nbr team_id rs_player_id ls_player_id
## 1:      M81    G144        1    T109           P5          P95
## 2:      M81    G144        1     T65           P3           P2

4. Errors Breakdown

Error Rates by Team, Player

Errors Visualized

Click each dot to watch the video replay

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